Road Trip Day Five

We're in Denver at Greg's!

His little house and garden are coming along nicely. I was here in April, helping him plant his yard and add trees to the strip along the road. It's so nice to see how it all looks now.

The honeylocust in the back yard looks good, all leafy and healthy. He added a bench, and that's a nice touch. The tiny saplings out along the side of the road are too tiny to photograph well, but they look good considering they are new little transplants.

He lost one of the small shrubs we planted along the inside of the fence, but we can replace that. The other things we planted are doing well but are still pretty small.

We'll go out to dinner with Greg tonight, catch up, spend the evening with him and the night here in his comfy home and then be on our way to Santa Fe tomorrow.


Gail said…
What a cute house... and yard. You are getting so close to home!
Laurrie said…
Very close now! We had a great evening with Greg last night, so brief, but a nice interlude on our way to our new home. Love to see him so proud of his house.
DeeJayeL said…
The house is cute. Soooo Denver! And I absolutely LOVE the brick wall. Glad you had this as one of your stops.
Laurrie said…
I agree- his house is very trendy Denver : )

Fill me in whenever you get a sighting of the new neighbors on Timothy . . .
DeeJayeL said…
Funny you should ask - - Today is move-in day!