Neighbors and Quiet

I've met the two neighbors whose homes abut our property.

To our right sharing our side fence are Bob and Patricia, who are actually moving soon. Their house is for sale. They are having a new house built a couple miles away and it will be ready for them in October. So on that side we'll soon have neighbors even newer than we are.

The coyote fence along the side of our house that we share with Bob and Patrica.
That's their umbrella on the other side, and they have a gurgly little water fountain there.

Behind us, sharing the long vine covered fence all along the back of our property are Joan and Frank. They're our ages, and she's a gardener with some lovely things growing in her fenced courtyard. She's excited to introduce me to Mimi who lives up the hill a bit and is a Master Gardener who loves to educate. She tells me there is a group potluck scheduled for late September, and it sounds like she will be a nice introduction to the neighborhood for us.

That's Joan and Frank's house and a corner of a garage behind our Virginia creeper covered fence.

Our complex of abutting and nearby houses is very quiet. I know people are there, just feet away, but everything is screened and I hear almost nothing.

On weekday mornings I can hear faraway road traffic as people go to work along the main drag, but it's a low hum in the distance. On Saturday morning there was no sound at all. The road in front of our house gets some traffic, but it's not bad, and the narrowness makes drivers go pretty slow.

Unlike our place in Connecticut, where summer days were filled with the roar of lawnmowers and leaf blowers and weed whackers and quite a bit of noise and traffic on the road behind us, this neighborhood is amazingly quiet.

We're still getting used to the strangeness of a new place, but so far we seem to have landed in a quiet spot with nice neighbors immediately around us.

When I cut back the rampant Virginia creeper, there underneath all the growth
was a small wood and metal frame resting against the bottom of the fence.
I had no idea it was there, it was so completely hidden.
It's badly rotted and parts of it fell off, but what a cool thing to find!


DeeJayeL said…
What?? No lawnmowers, leaf blowers or weed whackers? Oh poor Jim. He must be going through a period of detox!
Laurrie said…
He's busier now than ever, with setting up house. So the lawn is not missed at all. Maybe later, when things quiet down there will be some lonely moments when he realizes his John Deere isn't living in the garage.