Bouncy House

My Grammy said I could post on her blog about something exciting that happened last weekend. I turned two!

I had a cake and some very good pizza and balloons and all four of my grandparents were there, even the ones from New Mexico. And my aunt and some cousins and two dogs came. And friends of my mom and dad came and they brought their kids and it was a party.

But the best part was a bouncy house that got set up outside, and before all the bigger kids came to the party I bounced inside it.

I jumped with my dad and he bounce-chased me and it was so fun.

My Grammy got in the bouncy house too and we slid together and I pushed her over and she bounced all over the place which made me squeal. It was funny and I did it over and over. And over.

When the bigger kids came I got out. They were kind of wild, and the dogs got in the bouncy house too. My mom said it was mayhem. It went on for hours.

Boy was it fun.

I sure hope you have a bouncy house when it's your birthday. 🎂 


Acadia2022 said…
I was waiting for this post - worth the wait!
Laurrie said…
She is such a little girl now, very bossy and talkative and huggable. Loves the word "no".
Pam said…
Oh to be two again and have such exuberance!
Laurrie said…
The energy of a 2 year old is boundless!
Peggy said…

Just brilliant.
Never too young or old for a bouncy house.
Laurrie said…
Actually, you CAN be too old for a bouncy house. After 40 minutes of bouncing and falling and sliding around I got out and as I did, I fell hard -- rolled right out on the ground and it was not graceful. Hurt myself, and the little one had to come over and kiss my owie. Bouncy houses are for the young . . .
Peggy said… sorry to hear.
I hope you're fully recovered.
Unknown said…
Yeah, bounced houses are only good when you are little and feisty, like she is. Eve had one for her 3rd or 4th, can't remember, and I fell out and rolled. But it's a memory you'll never forget. ❤️ She's a sweetie and a keeper!
Laurrie said…
Noelle, I like that description "little and feisty" -- that fits!