Carrots and Apples

It's time. I can't go on any longer with the rabbit eating my plants. He's gotten brazen and gluttonous, and has even come into the back yard, scooting easily under the gate. It's time to set a trap and relocate him.

It's a Havahart live trap, baited with sliced apples and carrots. He mostly likes my ornamental grasses and groundcover sedums, but also has a taste for sunflower seedlings, globemallow, yarrow, and has chomped two small woody shrubs. One shrub he decapitated to the ground, the other had all the leftmost branches sheared off, which is just malicious. He didn't even eat the woody branches, just lopped them off and left the evidence lying on the ground.

I put the trap near the juniper that he hides under when I chase him. 

I put it out two days ago. The plan was for him to go inside to get the treats, trip the door shut and then we can drive him far away to the open basin to the south and let him go. I checked this morning and the trap was not sprung, the door was still open, but half the carrots and apples were gone, and little black rabbit pellets were all around.

The battle is now on.


Peggy said…

Better luck tomorrow! . . Peggy
Laurrie said…
I checked this morning, Friday, and the trap door was sprung closed! But no rabbit inside. How did that happen? How did he get out after the door snapped shut? Or is something else going on? The battle is truly on now.

I will not concede . . . . (aaack)