Schrodinger's Virus

My sister in Connecticut sent me the meme going around about Schrodinger's virus, and it couldn't be more apt. You get it, right?

We are better now, but for part of March, all of April and part of May, Jim and I have been sick, but were unable to get tested for coronavirus. I wrote about our symptoms in earlier posts. We had, unwisely it turned out, traveled to southern California in early March to see family, but flew home early as states began to shut down. On our return we got sick with strange and unsettling symptoms.

We isolated, stayed home, suffered (oh how we suffered) and carried on, never seriously ill enough to go to the hospital but pretty miserable, and never sure whether we had this novel disease or not.

Here's the update. We're better, although lingering coughs continue, sometimes very annoyingly. And I still have an on again off again sore throat and red eyes. But . . . better.

My doctor thought the cluster of symptoms after recent travel were suspicious, even though fever never presented and we didn't qualify to test for active infection. She ordered a blood test for antibodies to see if I had actually had Covid19. The blood draw last week was a surreal journey through medical procedures in the time of coronavirus, but it got done.

And the results were negative. I have not had Covid, and by association, Jim must not have had it either.

Is this a good result?
