Return of the Peaches and Rabbits

The peach guy is back and selling his peaches and other produce at the Motel 6 parking lot in town. I've written about these peaches before, the most delicious juicy Colorado-grown peaches I've ever tasted. This is a highlight of summer for everyone I know. My book group spent the first 15 minutes talking about peaches last week.

You know who else is back? The rabbit in my front yard. Actually two rabbits who visit every day this summer. I got the Havahart trap out and did catch one a few days ago. 

I covered the trap with a blanket and drove him to the field behind the hospital and let him go. It's only mile away and on release he made a beeline in the very direction we had just come from. Do rabbits have homing instincts that can bring them back over a mile?

As I drove home after my catch and release errand, there was the companion rabbit sitting in my driveway wondering where the other one had gone.  The futility of my trapping program was not lost on me.

The two will probably be re-united soon in my garden. This gleeful one swinging from my neighbor's tree taunts us about it.

I'll ignore him. I'm just going to go inside and have a peach.
