A Candy Colored Imp

My editor says I can't post grandbaby pictures. Just flowers or Santa Fe scenes. 

So I fired him and I am self-editing now and my granddaughter says she wants to say hi, so here she is.

Hi Grammy. Hi everybody.


Pam said…
Love it! What a cutie. Finally some hair I see…tho very fair! Guess it stands to reason!
Laurrie said…
Yes, and I like the way she is styling her hair now . . .
Becky said…
Just showed PB; we're fans. The girl is Stylin'!
Peggy said…

LIFE IS SO GOOD. She is Adorable.

Send copies to Gerber!
(does anyone still use Gerber?)

Laurrie said…
Becky and PB - thanks and yes, she definitely has some style!

Peggy - Gerber is still a real thing. But this girl is going to get fresh California fruits and home cooked smushed veggies from the farmers market and her mom's cooking. All fresh, no jars. So Gerber probably won't use her picture if she doesn't even eat their foods!
Gail said…
Oh my...she is so cute!! Glad you fired your editor so that we get the chance to see this little imp. Hug her. Kiss her. Love her. Never let her go!
Laurrie said…
Gail, I'll do all those things (hug. kiss, etc.) but I also think I want to eat her up like a piece of candy!
Ellen said…
My goodness-what a cutie!!! Hope you get to see her and hold her often!
Laurrie said…
Yes, we'll be back out to see her in August!