Three Years

It's been three years now since we moved to Santa Fe. In that time we've made our house and garden into a real home, developed some nice friendships with a few neighbors, explored the southwest all over, eaten some really good meals, and settled in.

The world around us has changed in these three years. A pandemic, of course, which has upended absolutely everything. A first grandchild on the way next winter. Those are the big changes.

After three years and with our explorations suspended because of the pandemic, I find there isn't much to write about. My life, which was so new and different at first, now consists of watering struggling plants, moving plants, zoom book groups, and a lot of time napping. We don't go anywhere, have little actual contact with people, and aren't seeing new sights.

It's hard to keep blogging about that. But we'll see what a fourth year in New Mexico brings . . . 


Peggy said…

Please keep blogging!
Every day, everywhere there are new things to see, hear, feel, taste, smell and react to. Your unique take on dailiness is the charm of your blog. . . Peggy
Laurrie said…
Peggy - you are so sweet! I'll continue blogging because it amuses me and I really don't have much else to do - ha!