
So, our bookgroup did our March meeting via Zoom, and it worked, kind of. The botanical garden seminars that I have attended via Zoom have worked well with a single speaker, slides, and all the audience muted until they want to click in, "raise hand", and ask a question. That structure is effective on Zoom.

But a free flowing discussion among 12 women was different. It worked, but the give and take of unmuted participants chiming in as the conversation flows. . . well, that was awkward.

With 12 speakers there was a lot of video lag and choppy audio. And since we were all unmuted, the slightest rustle of papers or clink of a cup transferred the audio and video to the rustler or clinker and away from the speaker. That was confusing at times.

But we made it work, although refreshments were disappointing. Instead of a plate of sweets and some noshes provided by the host, we were each on our own to put a tumbler of water or glass of wine next to the computer.
🍷  🍪 🍸

On the Zoom screen, when a speaker has the floor the other participants' videos will freeze, and everyone gets caught in the last pose they were in before the camera froze them, and before they reanimate by making a comment.

I had to laugh -- every time everyone's video briefly froze while someone else spoke, they were caught with a hand to the face -- a chin cupped, a cheek brushed, an eye touched, lips tapped, an eyebrow smoothed . . . everyone's frozen profile video on the screen showed a woman touching her face.

We are such creatures.


Andrea said…
At least we "saw" each other--and I'm sure it will be better next time. Old dogs can indeed learn new tricks :)
Laurrie said…
We are all now the Baby Boomer Zoomer generation . . .