Christmas Presents to Each Other

When we put our Connecticut house on the market in 2017, we knew we had to replace the kitchen appliances. They were all 13 years old -- brand new when we bought our home, but thirteen years later the dishwasher had completely given up and as long as it was being replaced, they all needed replacing.

They were white, and they were builder's grade. When we bought our new-built house we had to cut costs where we could, and the appliance package was one area where we got frugal. I thought that trying to sell an upscale home with 13 year old builder's grade white appliances was going to be difficult. So we took the old ones out and put in new stainless steel appliances and the house did in fact sell.

Then we bought our home here in Santa Fe, and what did it have but 13 year old appliances. In white. They were not builder's grade, all were fancy models for their time, but they were as old as the ones we had just replaced. At least the washer and dryer were brand spanking new!

But the entire kitchen suite would need replacement.

We moved in over two years ago. The refrigerator, now 15 years old, no longer makes ice or dispenses water and it drones loudly. The dishwasher chugs with effort. The gas oven takes about 35 minutes to pre-heat and one burner snaps at me.

The microwave, the oldest of all four appliances according to the paperwork that was left for us -- it was bought 18 years ago in 2001 -- works fine but has discolored unattractively.

So for Christmas this year we are giving each other appliances. I am buying Jim, the cook in our house, a new stove and microwave. He is buying me a dishwasher and refrigerator. Stainless steel. New. All parts working. Too much to put under the tree, so we plan to go to the store the day after Christmas, and delivery won't be until next year.

If this sort of stuff interests you, keep reading this blog in 2020 and I'll show how it all looks when our Christmas presents to each other are installed.


libraryeducator said…
Laurrie said…
Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you -- we had a white Christmas here, snow overnight and woke up to a pretty scene this morning.

Happy New Year!