Little Wreaths

They really don't show up from afar. Two little wreaths, hung in our deeply recessed front entry on big paneled double doors, can hardly be seen.

But I love these small accents. Up close, as you come to the door, they really are pretty. Each one is slightly different, but mostly they are bunches of red chile peppers, some greenery and some lavender sprigs.

I got them at the farmer's market downtown. I had seen them last fall and thought they'd be perfect, but as handmade craftsmanship, they were very expensive, so I passed. Our front doors remained unadorned.

But finally this winter, I went back and got them.

You have to be careful in Santa Fe not to overdo the chile peppers. Everyone has strings of dried red pepper ristras hanging at their front door, and we do too. It's a thing.

It can all be too much and too kitschy and too fake. So I'm glad the wreaths on our door are so modest. And I like the small surprise you get as you approach the door and see up close how lovely they are.
