
Here is a preview of the photos that will be used on MLS to sell our house. It won't be live on the system until May 15. Click the link for the still shots and a slideshow.

Our Home - listing photos

I don't think they'll use all of them, or maybe they will. I think they are a bit color over-processed, or maybe it's just my monitor. I don't care for the wide angle shots, they always look distorted, but all in all the photos are okay (except the label on the master bedroom is wrong, that's the guest room in the loft. . . oh well.)

On Tuesday May 16 we will have a broker's open house. Then we will wait for very high multiple offers to come pouring in.

Or we will wait for a single looker to wander by in the next months. I have no scenario in my imagination that is is the middle of those two possibilities.
