Now We Are Six

It is a fact I cannot wrap my head around: six years ago today we moved into this house. Six years ago. 

For six years I have been documenting our move and living here. At times I feel that we just moved in, it's all still new and interesting and I am surprised to wake up each morning and find myself here. At other times I feel like I've always lived here, forever.

It's home. It has been home for quite a while now. But it's a shock when I count up the years and wonder where they have all gone.


Pam said…
Congratulations! I know the feeling. After several years of visiting Southern California, I now look at my surroundings and say to myself, “This is home now…you live here!” It always gobsmacks me.
Laurrie said…
Both of us life long New Englanders -- how did we wind up calling the west home?