The Rabbit's Choice

If you were a rabbit and you saw not one, but two open traps at your favored entrance to the Walking Rain Salad Bar and Organic Greens Farm, would you dare to enter? Would you chance it?

The paver stones are angled there to close off any corner openings. The traps are Havahart traps to catch and relocate live rabbits. They are placed just so because this year's rabbit comes and goes through a gap in the coyote fence just there.

That's his entry point. Last year and the year before rabbits came in under the main gate by the garage. Polite, expected, it was the normal route for anyone entering my garden. Both got trapped and relocated.

This year the rabbit comes in on the complete other side of the house in a gap that the irrigation installers left between fence and house, no more than a few inches of opening, but enough for sneaky entrances and exits.

Well, you have a choice, rabbit. You can enter, but you won't get back out. And if you skitter sideways there is a second trap. And no gaps to bound through with your fluffy tail in the air.

Come on in. We have hollyhocks on the menu if you can get to them. Try it.


Pam said…
This “war” is escalating…a battle of the wills. Methinks things may get out of hand quickly!
Laurrie said…
The battle is already out of hand! Earlier this summer he ate my hollyhocks and a dwarf delphinium . . . munched them to the ground. Yes, war.
Peggy said…

Good to see you're feeling better!!
Laurrie said…
I feel like I have a chest and head cold -- not terrible and nothing life threatening, no fever, but yuck, I would like to feel better. Soon . . .