Window Washing

Two things have to happen for this scene to occur:

There has to be no early fall freeze. This is the first year this Japanese maple did not turn brown in early October. It usually hangs on to its leaves after a freeze and they stay on all winter, brown and shriveled. This year we've had only two nights that flirted briefly with 30 degrees. All other nights right through the end of October have been well above freezing.

The other thing that makes this possible is that the window washer in the house washed the windows. He did a phenomenal job. 

The view sitting at my desk is no less stunning. The window washer just got to this sliding door yesterday and the scene from inside is now glorious, especially when the breeze agitates the quaking aspen leaves and they shimmer like gold coins twinkling in the sky.

All the glass doors and windows will be dusty and clouded again soon -- this is Santa Fe -- but for now, wow.


Pam said…
Spectacular! Oh how I wish the same here.
Laurrie said…
You are wishing for fall color . . . or clean windows? I will bring my window washer when we come to visit.