Local News

> An avalanche at Taos ski area killed one skier this week. And he was not off trail or out in the back country, it happened on the ski run. This was not at the area outside of town, but Taos, an hour and a half north of here, is still considered "local".

> An article in the paper today discussed instituting salaries for state legislators. The state of New Mexico is the only state in the US that does not have a paid legislature. Our state government is all volunteer.
"Since 1912, when New Mexico entered the union as a sparsely populated frontier settlement, its state legislators have worked without a salary, although lawmakers receive a per diem that amounts to approximately $7,000 for up to two months of work per year. Today, it’s the only state with an unsalaried legislature." 
> In other news, Jim has been called for jury duty in Santa Fe. So far he hasn't had to try criminals or adjudicate disputes, but he's in the pool.

> And in case you wanted to know, it is STILL SNOWING in Santa Fe. It has been snowing off and on since October. This I cannot deal with.

On my walk I got slimy mud on my sneakers, so I set them out to dry. 
Next morning . . .
