Wine Chairs

The folding Mayan chairs that I painted deep red a couple years ago were starting to peel all over. I really did not want to sand and repaint them -- they were such a pain to paint originally with all the tight spaces and individual slats and angles.

But the bigger problem is that they are impractical to sit in.

They are so low slung and tipped back so oddly that they are hard to get in and out of and Jim can't manage it at all. So even though we get some nice shade on the deck in the late afternoon, we can't sit together there. Even though she's older (!), my sister could do it when she was here visiting, but the evening we had neighbors over we had to drag other chairs onto the deck, Joan wasn't even going to try to get in one of these.

But I loved the look, especially the pop of red as you looked down the yard toward the deck.

So, replacements. New wine red chairs. Here they are:

They are spring chairs and they bounce a little, not much. They are upright and very sittable (is that a word?). I like the look.

But . . . . they are metal. You cannot touch these chairs in the middle of the day when the sun is on them, and you'll fry your backside parts if you sit down in one. That's okay, no one sits out in the sun in the summer. These are chairs for late afternoon shade, for having a drink before dinner.

These are wine chairs🍷.
