Hail on the Skylights

The monsoon brought hail Monday night. It was only pea sized ice pellets, but it hammered the skylights with rifle shots and it pelted the windows sharply and we cowered in the house, a little frightened. We could not talk to each other, it was so loud.

Our phones blared flash flood warnings at us from emergency 911.

This time rain made puddles not only at the kitchen door and through the living room sliding door transom, but also rain dripped in through both dining room windows, soaking the Hunter Douglas fabric shades and pooling along the inside wall.

The rain gauge showed we got two and a quarter inches of rain and melted hail -- outside. I think it was a quarter inch inside.

The front yard flooded, Big Red the rain barrel overflowed (and tilted again) and the entire garden on the east side was an ocean of standing water, with just the tops of my little transplants bravely trembling above the waves.

I had spent a lovely dry, sunny morning on the patio having coffee, and spent the early afternoon transplanting a few things in warm temperatures. We had wine on the deck before dinner with a hot breeze blowing, and a few clouds in the blue skies.

We don't get all day soakers or long rainy weekends here like we did in New Engalnd. We get dramatic downpours in monsoon season and they are brief, sometimes scary, and our house leaks like a sieve.

Not so enchanting.
