Drips and Sprinkles

Tropical storm Bud is bringing rain to New Mexico, and some of it to the south of us is heavy.

Here in Santa Fe it is only bringing some sprinkles and delicate drips. Less than a tenth of an inch, unfortunately. Turn your sound on and turn it up. This is what light rain coming off the roof canale and dripping straight onto the gravel sounds like. A delightful sound to our parched ears.

At last I can test my rain chain. Each little drop is making its way down the string of cups. It's not raining heavily enough to make any burbling sound, it's just dripping.

We aren't getting enough rain to make a difference to Santa Fe, but we're getting some. It's a lovely, gray, damp day. I'm drinking coffee inside and going out to the front porch every few minutes to check my rain chain. 

Inside, I'm watching the hummingbirds flit to the feeder out on the patio. You'd think they wouldn't be able to fly in rain, even such light rain. Six raindrops have to weigh more than the little birds do.

This is what I call a nice day in the land of enchantment.


libraryeducator said…
It must be a psychological boost if nothing else!! I feel pent-up and like my body is holding its breath when we need rain. It is a psychological need for me as well as a physical need. We are now heading into a record-beaking heat wave and no rain - after such a wet period it will come as a shock to more growth than the plants will be able to carry.

Enjoy reading your observations!
Laurrie said…
Thanks, Karen! It was a psychological boost only. Parts of Santa Fe got some steady rain but we only got a tenth of an inch here. Arrrrgh.,