Squirrel Stew

Thank you, readers, for holding me accountable to my plan to cook on Mondays. I am still at it. 

I made Brunswick stew, from a recipe in the New York Times. It's a tomato base stew with potatoes, corn and butterbeans (limas), and some barbecue sauce and chicken -- or squirrel if you want to be true to the 1828 origins of this dish. 

The NYT article quotes humorist Roy Blunt: "Brunswick stew is what happens when small mammals carrying ears of corn fall into barbecue pits.

I laughed. I didn't use squirrel, my grocery store was fresh out. I used chicken thighs simmered to tenderness. Cornbread muffins with orange butter (just butter mixed with orange rind) cut the heartiness of the stew and would have gone great with squirrel I think. 

The week before, on a cold October Monday with early season snow squalls, I made acorn squash halves stuffed with turkey chili and topped with cheese and a little bit too much cilantro.

To go with them I bought Hatch green chile rolls from the supermarket bakery because no meal is complete without some chiles and some breadstuffs.

I made four because that was what the recipe quantities were for. We ate two, and I froze two to take over a week later to my neighbor when she came home from the hospital and wasn't up for cooking.

The turkey chili and the sweet squash were a nice mix scooped up with a fork to scrape all the squash out of the shells. It wasn't spicy, just a nice blend of tastes. 

The Hatch chile rolls were spicy, as they should be, with a late hit on the back of the tongue. 

Both of these meals were really good and fun to make. Should I keep this Monday cooking thing up? I'd like to.


Pam said…
What a gourmet cook you are becoming! Your creations look astonishing and I assume taste the same. Yes, by al means, keep on posting your recipes and discoveries.
Laurrie said…
Need suggestions. What are some of your favorite meals? Planning is harder than doing!
Acadia2022 said…
Well done!
I usually go to my NYT recipe box and randomly pick.Since I saved the recipes in the "box", usually don't get myself in too much trouble, except for a trip to the store.
Laurrie said…
I'm just starting to use the NYT cooking site and saving to my box. Oddly, the recipes I've saved feed 10 - 15, why so many? I had to cut this stew recipe way, way down. I need a filter to find only the 2 - 4 people recipes.
Peggy said…
In 1971 Time Life Cook Books published Foods of the World. The 27 volume set included American Cooking broken into eight separate books. In the Great West cook book is Bowl of the Wife of Kit Carson - a wonderful soup. I've lost count of how many times I've made it. I used to use the turkey legs called for, but now used chicken thighs or leftover turkey meat after Thanksgiving. If your local library doesn't have the TL series the internet is doubtless full of many versions. Same chili rolls or cornbread and you're done. It freezes great too.
Laurrie said…
Kit Carson's wife's soup sounds a bit like like Brunswick stew. So many cooking resources out there, it's hard to pick what to make!