That's A Wrap

Another summer is over. A wet one this time, with ample monsoon rains almost daily.
The little crabapple in the middle of the yard loved the wet summer

When it wasn't too wet to sit on the patio, the days out there were lovely

My wildflower meadow in pots is gone now

A summer bouquet. It's gone now too.

Someone small in California had herself a great summer
and thought it quite fine.

Summer is a wrap now. The hummingbirds are gone, and fall is upon us. 


Peggy said…

The long view is wonderful and becoming pure Laurrie.
For five years I've been using your photo scraps to 'draw' a house/yard plan in my head. I think the photo is taken standing on your bedroom deck facing the garage. Yes?
Laurrie said…
Yes, the sliders to the left of the deck in the long photo are the bedroom doors. Sometimes at night I go out those sliders onto the deck after midnight in my jammies, and sit in the red chairs to watch the moonlight dance on the little crabapple.

I'm beginning to love this view, night or day. I'm glad you have seen it develop!